

Wildflower + Honey is a home based business in Wisconsin that started out of a desire to learn a new skill. After many trials and errors it has flourished into what it is today! Providing high quality hand dipped and hand poured beeswax candles, tallow lotion and calendula salve at an affordable price but without compromising on quality and made with ingredients you can read! A little about me, I love to garden, raise animals (currently chickens and pigs!) cook as much from scratch as my season of life allows, I try my hardest to make sourdough 🤭, but ultimately my biggest pride and joy is raising our boys with my best friend. We’ve been together for almost 10 years and I couldn’t imagine life without him by my side cheering me on and being my biggest supporter. I’m so glad your here and I hope you love all the goodies you find here!